Gutknecht Family Farms
8226 Ranchero Rd.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Bill Gutknecht
319 - 404 - 5081
2013 Field Notes
2013 proved to be one of the more challenging years ever. From one of the wettest, latest Springs, to one of the earliest, coldest, and snowiest Falls I have ever experienced, the past year delivered numerous challenges around the farm. Yields were as extreme as the weather. In fact, we saw some the best yields we have ever seen, to no yield on acres that we enrolled in the preventative planting, and anything in between. The one bright spot was that we managed to get most of those prevented planted acres tiled. We are looking forward to seeing what these acres will produce in the future. But the brightest spot of the year is that the family is intact and all back in Iowa. After living in Portland, OR, for two years working for Wells Fargo, Luke transferred back and now is located in their Des Moines branch. The entire family is happy to have him back in-state and look forward to spending more time with him. We are all happy, healthy, and ornery as ever. Thank God for that.
- Bill G.